Cataracts – Updated

Cataracts are very fast & were hard to keep up with for me when I first started scrubbing them. My brain takes extra time to process & learn everything. But once I got the hang of it I have really enjoyed scrubbing them. We do up to 18 in a day. But you know what to expect & you pretty much do the same thing over & over again. It can actually be pretty quiet & peaceful.

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Hip Hemiarthroplasty – Call Weekend

I figured that it was about time for an update! Life in the O.R. has been so crazy. I’ve just been soaking it all in & learning/remembering what I can.

I noticed you can’t find much information on Hemis for hips (just totals) so I will share some of my photos I was finally able to snag on call this weekend.

Hopefully this helps! 🙂
Continue reading “Hip Hemiarthroplasty – Call Weekend”