Clinical. Week 5. Semester 4.

Now that I’ve finished my Uro cases, I have been able to start on OB and Eyes!
I also started my binder for all of my cases. I research each case the night before and print out anything I can on it & put it in my binder. Then once the procedure is over, and I have time, I update it to fit our facility and surgeons and how we would do the procedure. While we are on a break I can also sit and study my cases.
I also started taking photos of something else I hadn’t thought to take photos of…

Continue reading “Clinical. Week 5. Semester 4.”

Clinical. Week 4. Semester 4.

4 weeks has gone by so fast!

Normally we would switch locations, but we are having some issues with some of the hospitals, unfortunately.

So, I get to stay at my hospital, which is awesome.

I’m getting settled in & getting used to things.

Wish I didn’t have to leave!…

EVER!! 🙂
Continue reading “Clinical. Week 4. Semester 4.”

Clinical. Week 3. Semester 4.

I think this week was a huge turning point for me. I had my first day of the week & had so many mixed emotions. I was really down on myself wondering if I could get through this! The next day, however, I feel like I was more confident & a whole new me. I mean, being in the O.R. is really intimidating, especially when we only know the general instruments, and all I have is Urology. It’s just been super nerve-wracking. It’s a lot to adjust to! Everyone has had a lot of nice things to say, though, and great advice to make me feel better. I just have to accept that I’m going to (hopefully) graduate & still not know everything… it’s a learning process & a long one! BUT I CAN & WILL do it! When you feel like you can’t do it & feel like giving up… DON’T! It gets better.

Continue reading “Clinical. Week 3. Semester 4.”

Clinical. Week 2. Semester 4.

I have been dubbed the URO queen by both my instructor & my preceptor. 😂
All I have done so far is Urology except for one lap chole I got to set up for that I watched.

Continue reading “Clinical. Week 2. Semester 4.”