Week 15. Semester 2. Lab Skills Final Assessment.

Today we had our lab evaluations over everything we’ve learned this semester in lab! I get so nervous when I’m being watched one on one so I knew I would make some mistakes. Overall I got an 82/84. The mistakes I made were obvious ones because I’m so used to being prompted to do something, I just thought she’d be like, “Okay, what’s next?” LOL. So I didn’t turn my gown because she didn’t ask me to. Such a dumb thing on my part because in reality no one is going to ask the tech, the tech is going to ask the circulator when the time comes! 🤦🏼‍♀️

BUT she told me she was confident that I knew what I was doing, so that made me feel really good! 🙌☺️ She told me I just need to be more confident, because I know what I’m doing. I just need to stop overthinking everything and just do it. And I agree 💯. I’m always so worried about making mistakes and sometimes overthink things and then make mistakes because of it. More confidence in myself: noted!!

Continue reading “Week 15. Semester 2. Lab Skills Final Assessment.”

Week 14. Semester 2. Clinical Observation #2.

excited for another day in the OR

Today was our second (and last) week of OR observations. I have a lot more to talk about this time around, so hang in there with me on this one!

😬 So, my first & second case went spectacularly and I was welcomed into their team like I was part of it. I didn’t even care that the circulating nurse thought I was a nursing student. I didn’t have the heart to correct her & I enjoyed that she asked me to help her chart & go with her to get the patient & push buttons on the monitor etc. Though for our upcoming clinicals I’ll have to make sure they know I’m a Scrub Tech Student LOL.

It was super busy in the operating rooms though because they had us Surgical Tech students, Nursing students, and Med students. After the second surgery was done I was actually rotated out with a med student. I thought it was funny how he apologized to me for making me leave. I was okay with it though, two surgeries was enough and I was curious to see something else before we had to leave.

I later regretted having to leave that wonderful OR though… 😞
Continue reading “Week 14. Semester 2. Clinical Observation #2.”

Week 13. Semester 2. Clinical Observation #1.

Hello everyone!

I’m going to do something different today & start this blog the night before my first clinical observation!
It’s 7:47 P.M. right now & I have to get up around 4 A.M. so I can be there by 6:30 A.M. I’ll be early but I always get nervous with long drives & making sure I’m not late… so I end up really early. Better than late though, I say.

Continue reading “Week 13. Semester 2. Clinical Observation #1.”

Juggling being a Mom, Wife, Student, Caregiver…

I wanted to take a moment to really introduce myself & share some of my life hacks! How do I keep up with it all, stay sane, keep the stress away… ??

WARNING: I’m writing everything as it comes to me, so it might be a little crazy! Also, here & there I will add links to some of the text. 🙂 And please feel free to comment with any of your own tips, tricks, advice…

Continue reading “Juggling being a Mom, Wife, Student, Caregiver…”

Week 8. Semester 2.

Today we are halfway through our second semester! 😮 I feel like it has gone by so fast. We started off the day by taking our midterm instrument identification quiz. I used my Quizlet to upload photos of everything so I could practice, which really helped! I was super excited to see I aced it. 🙌 

Continue reading “Week 8. Semester 2.”

Surg. Tech – Semester 2

Hello all! It’s been awhile since I last posted. It’s been so busy since I started my 2nd semester of the ST program, but it’s been so much fun! I’m just taking it all in & practicing as much as possible!

It’s been super exciting since we started doing labs & really getting into all the hands on stuff we have been anxiously waiting for! Our instructor has always told us how quiet we are, but more and more we have been getting to know each other this semester, which is awesome. We are getting more comfortable with each other and really talking and helping each other out. I love having a small group that is always there with you as you move along from semester to semester.

Continue reading “Surg. Tech – Semester 2”