Clinical Papers

Surgical Technology Clinicals

Below are some of our sheets we use for clinical. The last is our final clinical evaluation. I wanted to post these so everyone could get an idea of where we are at & what to look forward to & expect.

Pre-Clinical Evaluation

Was student on time?
Checked sterile supplies before opening?
Ability to set up Mayo stand independently?
Adhere to sterile Technique?
Ability to set up back table?
Follow count policy?
Label medications on field?
Working as a team player in turning over cases & CS?
Safely pass sharps?
Passing instruments correctly?
Ability to accept criticism?…

Surgical Case Log/Verification

4=excellent 3=above average 2=average 1=below average 0=poor

Student’s Role/Performance
Overall performance for day
Interest & initiative
Aseptic tech.
Acceptance of corrective guidance
Ability to apply previous knowledge
Time management

SI=first scrub S2=second scrub O=observation
Surgical Case / Surgeon & Specialty / S1 / S2 / O / Preceptor’s signature

Case Preparation Worksheet

Surgical Procedure:
Glove Size:
Instrument Sets & Special Instruments:
Suture Material:
Drapes & Draping Procedure:
Special Equipment/Supplies:
Synopsis of Surgical Procedure:

Weekly Post Clinical Journal

Briefly list the surgical cases & surgeon completed this week Rate each case on a scale of 1 being poor & 10 being excellent how you felt each case went & why or why not:

Preceptor Pros & Cons:

These are the skills/procedures that I had an opportunity to perform this week:

These are the skills that I feel comfortable with & skills I would like to improve on:

I feel that my progress this week has been:

Goals for next week:

Below is what we should be able to do at the end of the semester!

Final Clinical Competency Performance Evaluation:

0=not performed 1=with assistance 2=independent

Duties of the Scrub

A. Preparation
1. Wears proper O.R. attire with protective eyewear
2. Health status of student
3. Verbal description of surgical procedure

B. Hand Scrub Procedure
1. Rolls up sleeves
2. Hand scrub performed properly
3. Enters room appropriately

C. Gowning & Gloving
1. Picks up towel properly
2. Dries hands properly
3. Discards towel properly
4. Dons gown properly
5. Opens glove wrapper correctly
6. Dons gloves correctly
a. Open
b. Closed
7. Identifies & corrects breaks in sterile technique

SURGICAL PROCEDURE: _______________________________

D. Sterile Field Set Up
1. Start time:
2. Confirms sterility process
3. Correctly drapes Mayo stand
4. Towel placed on Mayo stand
5. Ring stand draped properly
6. Isolates small count items
7. Prepares back table for count
8. Initiates count
9. Identifies & corrects breaks in sterile tech.

E. Initial Count
1. Identifies small count items
2. Count performance:
a. ray-tec sponges
b. lap sponges
c. needles
d. misc items: bovie tip, syringe needles, blades
3. Instrument count performance
a. organization of instruments for counting
b. orderly count
4. Identifies & corrects breaks in sterile tech.

F. Selection of Instruments
1. Sets up Mayo stand appropriately
2. Correct selection of instruments
3. Suture towel prepared correctly
4. Back table set up properly
5. Suction & bovie prepared correctly
6. Identifies & corrects breaks in sterile tech.
7. Stop time:
8. Total time:

G. Gowning & Gloving Surgeon(s)
1. Presents towel correctly
2. Presents gown correctly
3. Gowns surgeon(s) correctly
4. Identifies & corrects breaks in sterile tech.

H. Draping
1. Prepares required drapes
2. Presents drapes in proper sequence
3. Presents towel clips
4. Presents suction
5. Presents bovie
6. Presents light handles
7. Corrects breaks in tech.

I. Case Performance
1. Passes instruments safely
2. Passing instruments correctly:
a. knife handle with blade
b. curved clamps with ring handles
c. straight clamps with ring handles
d. forceps
e. retractors
3. Passing suture:
a. free hand ties
b. ties on a passer
c. ties on a reel
d. needle holder with swaged on suture
4. Replaces instruments appropriately
5. Maintains organization of sterile field
6. Maintains organization of counts
7. Anticipates surgeon’s needs
8. Follows established routines
9. Handles & passes specimens correctly
10. Properly prepares & passes sponge sticks
11. Properly prepares & passes peanuts
12. Properly prepares & passes irrigation
13. Identifies & corrects breaks in sterile tech.
14. Initiates closing count

J. Closing Count Performance
1. Identifies all count items
2. Count performance:
a. Ray-tec sponges
b. laps
c. needles
d. misc items
3. Instrument count performance:
a. organization of instruments for counting
b. orderly count
4. Identifies & corrects breaks in sterile tech.

K. Final Count
1. Identifies all count items
2. Count performance:
3. Identifies & corrects breaks in sterile tech.

L. End of Case Duties
1. Properly breaks down back table & Mayo stand
a. separates clean from dirty
b. opens ratchets of instruments
c. properly strings instruments for decontamination
d. places light instruments on top of heavy
2. Disposes of sharps properly
3. Disposes of dirty linen properly
4. Disposable items placed in proper waste receptacle
5. Assist in moving patient from O.R. table to stretcher
6. Assist in room turnover
7. Prepare for the next case

Surgical Tech Videos (some may be repeats)

CST Surgical Skills
Setting up for Surgery
Sterile Gowning & Gloving *Surgery*
How to Wash your Hands for Surgery
Surgical Etiquette
What are Clinicals Like?
Clinical Externship Tips
Surgical Anticipation & Instrument Passing
Electrosurgery & the Bovie
Surgical Towels
Retraction & Fatigue
Surgical Tech Day in the Life
Patient Positioning
Different Roles in the O.R.
Dirty Sharp Injury
SPD Tour
O.R. Attire & PPE
Picking a Case Cart
Back Table Setup
Preference Cards in the O.R.
Specimens in the O.R.
CST Worst Nightmare
Surgical Sharps

Until next time,
Jessica ❤

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